09 422 7799

Statement of Philosophy

Matakana Village Preschool is a small, community-minded centre in the heart of Matakana Village. We value our relationships with our families, tamariki and the wider community. Our centre is welcoming and supportive to all Tamariki. Our community will be explored for its learning opportunities and will provide a space where our whanau have a strong sense of belonging.

Providing an environment that allows children to learn and develop at their own pace – where individuals are respected and valued for their contribution to our learning environment.

We believe that our role as supportive and encouraging Kaiako is to understand the individual development of each child – knowing them well enough to provide additional support if required.

We take our inspiration from RIE, Reggio, and Montessori, where ultimately, our teaching practice is to provide and support tamariki by providing an environment that caters to the individual. Providing an environment that allows children to learn and develop at their own pace – where individuals are respected and valued for their contribution to our learning environment. Where children will feel a sense of belonging and are able to explore nature, curiosity is born and supported, and our environment is respected and provides daily inspiration. 

Our Programme

Tāmariki are encouraged by our talented Kaiako to be independent and do simple tasks for themselves. Our curious explorers are supported to take on their own learning and interests.

Tāmariki have a spacious and safe environment to take on challenges. Building on skills that enhance them on their way through development.

They are encouraged to learn through nature and real-world objects, resources and materials.

Various activities that support the children’s interests will be set up daily by Kaiako both inside and outside.

We believe in the importance of sustainability, looking after nature and being healthy. The preschool has its very own vegetable garden and orchard where the children are a part of caring for it. Daily, they water, weed and pick their crops that they have grown, then get to have it for afternoon tea or take it home for their families.


Working in collaboration with the 
new entrant teachers at Matakana School 
to ensure that the children are reaching their full potential

omaha early learning
omaha early learning center

987 Matakana Road, Matakana
Centre Hours  |  8am to 4.30pm, Monday - Friday

09 422 7799